Phase 1

Desk Study & Preliminary Assessment

Why is a Phase 1 Desk Study carried out?

A Phase 1 Desk Study is generally requested by the local planning authority as a part of a planning application or as a pre-commencement condition attached to a planning decision notice. These reports are also requested during land transactions as part of the purchaser’s due diligence or by a land owner to assess their existing liabilities.  

What is included in a Phase 1 Desk Study? 

Our Phase 1 Desk Study is compliant with requirements of  the Stage 1- Tier 1- Preliminary Risk Assessment aspect of the LCRM framework. The Phase 1 Desk Study aims to collate information regarding the environmental, geological, hydrological, hydrogeological, and historical nature of a site to determine any potential contaminated-ground-related risks. This is achieved via carrying out a site reconnaissance, commonly called a walkover survey, purchase of historical maps, environmental and pollution data and reviewing available online data such as BGS geological and borehole data and the Coal Authority web based interactive map.

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    The data is then collated by our qualified geo-environmental engineers to allow the preliminary estimation of risks to be carried out. This is achieved by the creation of a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) which identifies the potential:

    • sources of contamination
    • pathways through which contamination may migrate, and the
    • receptors to the risk

    On completion of the risk estimation the data and risk assessments with conclusions and recommendations are then presented in our Phase 1 Desk Study Report, which is issued as a .pdf document.

    What will the Phase 1 Desk Study tell me about the site, as a developer? 

    The phase 1 desk study provides a developer or land owner with a contemporary assessment of their liabilities associated with contaminated land and geological abnormalities. This then allows our clients to better understand the costs for further assessment or remediation. Typical issues identified by phase 1 desk studies are historical contamination of a site or surrounding area and past mining activities such as lead, iron ore, Elland Flags and coal mines.

    Typical next phases of the assessment include Phase 2 Site Investigation, Coal Mining Risk Assessment or Geotechnical investigation.

    Get in touch with us today on 01943 470363 to discuss your requirements.

    Why Choose Chevin Geoenviro Associates?

    Here at Chevin Geoenviro Associates Ltd were have a wide range of experienced and qualified staff ranging from Chartered Scientists with the Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC), Chartered Geologists to degree qualified engineering geologist and geo-environmental consultants with 50 years of experience.

    We pride ourselves in taking the time to understand our client’s needs whilst providing a quick and friendly service.

    Our standard turnaround time for completing Phase 1 Desk Study reports is ten working days, although we usually issue reports within eight working days. Shorter turnaround times are possible but may be subject to additional fees. All reports are issued in .pdf format and optimised for immediate submission to the Environment Agency or Local Planning Authority.