Phase 2
Site Investigation & Land Contamination
Why is a Phase 2 Site Investigation carried out?
A phase 2 site investigation is usually required to discharge a planning condition or better define existing environmental liabilities. The purpose of the phase 2 site investigation is usually to assess land contamination risks but may be combined with geotechnical assessment of the ground to aid in foundation design and or assessment of historical mining activities such as coal mining.
What is involved in a Phase 2 Site Investigation?
Our Phase 2 Site Investigations apply current procedural and technical guidance such as the LCRM framework, BS10175 and BS5930 to design the most cost-effective intrusive site investigation for our clients. The aim of a Phase 2 Site Investigation is to further investigate the potential sources of contamination identified within the preliminary risk assessment presented in the phase 1 desk study.
The field work aspect of a Phase 2 site investigation involves the collection of soil, rock and groundwater samples for laboratory testing as well as post investigation ground gas monitoring. CGA generally carry out intrusive works using a mechanical excavator, dynamic sampler, shell and auger (cable percussion) rig and rotary open hole drilling rigs. The site works are supervised by CGA engineering geologists and geo-environmental engineers who also collect and described each sample as required.
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Each phase 2 site investigation report includes a land contamination Stage 1- Tier 2 Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GQRA) and Conceptual Site Model (CSM). Where geotechnical or mining information is required, this can also be included within the phase 2 report. For more complex sites it may be necessary to carry out a second more detailed site investigation to allow the production of a Tier 3 Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) and or to better define an area of land requiring remediation.
Our experience of designing, implementing and reporting of site investigations allows CGA to design the site investigation to obtain maximum data on the first visit whilst remaining competitive on costs. More often than not this reduces the need to carry out further investigations and provides cost savings for our clients. Further information on the land contamination risk assessment process can be found at
What will the Phase 2 Site Investigation tell me about the site, as a developer?
The Phase 2 Site Investigation Report aims to characterise the risks from contamination to a proposed development or liability issues for the existing land use. Our phase 2 report provides a discussion of the risks and broad recommendations for remedial works. The report also outlines any specialist PPE for ground disturbance workers, the need for a pre demolition asbestos surveys, control of surface water run-off during the development, or geotechnical & mining surveys.
Get in touch using our contact form or call us on 01943 470363 to discuss your project.
Why choose Chevin Geoenviro Associates?
Here at Chevin Geoenviro Associates we spend the time to fully understand our clients’ requirements which with our 50 years’ experience of site investigations often results in cost savings rather than increased costs to those quoted.
All our reporting and field work is carried out in general compliance with UK best practice and technical guidance, with our team made up of experienced, masters-degree qualified geologists, Chartered Scientist & Geologists and a Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC).